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The Importance of Friendships

October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Unlike everything else this year, bullying, unfortunately has not been cancelled. But neither have friendships and good buddies make all the difference

Thanks to Child Mind Institute, here are a few tips on helping our kids make and keep friends.

As humans we’re hard-wired to connect but for some kids that’s not necessarily easy. Kids who have a difficult time understanding social cues, in particular, need extra help. Kids Who Need a Little Help to Make Friends is full of good advice.

Now that they have friends, how do they keep them? Teaching Kids How to Deal with Conflict is very much worth a read if you want your kids to learn how to smooth over the rough spots of relationships. This is always an important skill. Especially during hard times (like a pandemic, for example!),  friends and family can help us get through anything. Friends come from unpredictable places and play many roles.

Unfortunately, sometimes friendships change which can be heartbreaking for kids. It may not be due to conflict. It may be that the former friend might move on for other reasons. Or they are now on a different school schedule or being home schooled. That can feel like grief. How do they get over their loss? Family is the other part of the equation. It’s possible that at certain times of their young lives, you and/or other family members will want to step up and in. (Right now you may be their everything — parent, teacher, friend which is another reason you’ll need to lean on your own friends to get you through this crazy time.)

Consider me in your corner so as the song goes, “You Have a Friend in Me.” 

Cheering you on.




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