Support Bullying Prevention with Official merchandise!

The Bully Project Promo from Lee Hirsch on Vimeo.

The goal of The Bully Project is to raise awareness about the devastating affects of peer to peer abuse and then do something about it. It can’t be finished soon enough.

One of the challenges of this tangled ball of a mess called bullying is engaging more people in the solution. It’s a difficult issue. Parents in general don’t get involved until their child has had a bad experience. Although bullying affects millions, when it happens to your child you feel desperately alone.

A good film goes a long way to capture people’s attention. With insidious issues like peer to peer abuse, we have to “see it, to feel it, to fix it.” Or as Maya Angelou says, “When we know better, we do better.”

If you care to donate, IndieGoGo makes it easy.


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