For the Bullied and Beautiful: Shane Koyczan

I was just in Huntsville, Alabama.  School started there on Monday.  It always surprises me because living on the east coast, Labor Day weekend is cherished as the last weekend of freedom.  August seems too unnatural to put on shoes and wrap your head around homework.

For some kids, it’s really exciting to see friends and get back in the groove.  For others, it’s time to put up invisible shields and figure out how you’ll get through every day without a breakdown.

Shane’s illustrated poem has been seen by hundreds of thousands but to watch him deliver it himself on a TED Talks stage is so powerful.  He speaks for so many kids today who don’t have the ability to put it into words.

We are surrounded by many Shanes but, unlike Shane,  they can’t express how they feel.   Can we listen anyway?


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